Where is Bandwidthd?

Gerald Dachs ubuntu at dachsweb.de
Tue Sep 11 10:58:27 UTC 2007

Quoting ruscook <ruscook_oz at yahoo.com.au>:

> Gerald Dachs wrote:
>> Quoting Derek Broughton <news at pointerstop.ca>:
>>  It is hard for me to tolerate all this wrong posting and wrong    
>> quoting in this
>> list, but I will try. I am used to post to lists where these posters
>> that I asked and you who supports wrong posting would get bashed.
>> Gerald
> Well that attitude certainly fits Ubuntu's tolerance and humanity to
> others, doesn't it?

And what about tolerance to me? I have only asked what a poster wants
to tell me. Does this separate me somehow from humanity?


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