Where is Bandwidthd?

Gerald Dachs ubuntu at dachsweb.de
Tue Sep 11 09:35:16 UTC 2007

Quoting Derek Broughton <news at pointerstop.ca>:

> Why on earth do you think everybody is responding directly to you?

What on earth lets you believe that I think that everybody is responding
directly to me? I think only that TWO have posted directly to me, and
I asked them why?

>  The OP
> was obviously somewhat confused about what bandwidthd should do, and where
> you should see it, people have been trying to help, and you just seem to
> want to take offence.

This is simply not true, I have tried to help myself and I can't see why
it is bad to ask why somebody posts to my response and I don't
understand what he wants to tell me. It would have been unfriendly if
I would assume in the
first place that they simply can't or won't post right to a mail
thread, this is
why I asked.

>  If you don't want people to include your responses
> in their replies _to a thread_ you really shouldn't post.

This is nonsense, of course I have nothing against replies to my post,
but these mails obviously are not responses to my post.

It is hard for me to tolerate all this wrong posting and wrong quoting in this
list, but I will try. I am used to post to lists where these posters
that I asked and you who supports wrong posting would get bashed.


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