Why does Firestarter not start on boot?

Graham Watkins shellycat.gw at ntlworld.com
Sat Sep 8 12:03:58 UTC 2007

Mario Vukelic wrote:
> On Sat, 2007-09-08 at 12:18 +0100, Graham Watkins wrote:
>> That's what I meant to write - sorry about the confusion.  However it 
>> doesn't seem to work.
>> When I check after bootup with the command:  sudo 
>> /etc/init.d/firestarter status, I am informed that Firewall is
>> stopped.
>> There's obviously something else needs fixing.
> Oops, sorry for creating confusion, I misread your email as fire_fox_,
> in which case adding it the the startup programs in the session would be
> the right way to go.
> For fire_starter_ it is different, and possibly depending on which
> distribution you run.
> Did you check that there is not only a script /etc/init.d/firestarter,
> but that the script is also actually run anywhere? For example, on my
> machine (Gutsy), it would be run
> by /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/50firestarter
> You can perform "dpkg -L firestarter | grep etc" to find which startup
> script is installed by the firestarter package.
Hi Mario,

Thanks for the reply. The command you suggested gives the following 
output so it looks as though an init script exists although I'm not sure 
it's running as the firewall still shows up as stopped.


Where do I go from here?



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