Mutt Basic

ben darby ben at
Sat Sep 8 02:05:13 UTC 2007

* Derek Broughton wrote:
> Peter Garrett wrote:
> > Mutt is only a Mail User Agent, not an SMTP program.
> > Mutt needs helpers.
> > People make it more complicated than necessary in their
> > howtos.
> <rant>
> _Mutt_ makes it more complicated than necessary, by insisting that because
> it isn't an SMTP _program_ it shouldn't be an SMTP _client_.  
> Really, if you have problems getting mutt to work, you should just give up
> on it.  It isn't worth the hassle.
> </rant>

no longer the case as of 1.5.15 when the esmtp patch was integrated, now
it just requires smtp_url to be set

set smtp_url=smtp://user:pass@mail.server:port/

ben darby
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