playing a video

Eberhard Roloff tuxebi at
Fri Sep 7 15:00:16 UTC 2007

norman wrote:
> Usually I do not have a problem playing videos however, in this
> instance, I am totally confounded. The video was downloaded from a web
> site by the procedure I normally use and, when I tried to play the
> downloaded file in Movie Player, my normal procedure, there was video
> but no audio. I tried to play in Avidemux and again the video was OK
> and, although there was sound it was fast and high pitched.
> I had a look at the properties of the file and under Audio found
> Bitrate: 1411 kbps, Codec: N/A, Sample rate: 44100Hz and Channels: 0.
> The properties of the other files I have downloaded from this site are
> Bitrate: N/A, Codec AAC 2.0 (libfaad), Sample rate: 44100Hz and
> Channels: 0.
> Is there any way I can change any settings so that I can view this
> video, it is quite important to me?
> Norman
No clue about settings change. However each time I am confronted with
such a problem, I try my two "emergency swiss army knife" player. First
vlc and secondly the one and only mplayer. I found that vlc succeeds in
about 80% of all the videos that I try to open with it and mplayer up to
now has yet to fail, more precisely, anytime it failed, the video was
defective and after a fresh download, mplayer was king, once again.

Kind regards

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