libIDL-2.0 needed as well

Peter Garrett peter.garrett at
Fri Sep 7 12:21:17 UTC 2007

On Thu, Sep 06, 2007 at 11:22:29PM -0700, hong zhang wrote:
> Thanks for answer installation for gtk-2.0.
> I am compiling firefox and it also asks for
> libIDL-2.0 header files. But
> apt-get install libidl-2.0-dev
> does not install any thing.
> What is rule for headers files?
If you insist on compiling Firefox, you might save yourself 
a lot of time by typing:

sudo apt-get build-dep firefox

before you start...

But as others have noted, perhaps if you need to ask, it would be better
to use the ubuntu Firefox rather than trying to "roll-your-own". :)


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