nfs performance issues.

Tomoki Taniguchi tomoki.taniguchi at
Thu Sep 6 17:00:55 UTC 2007

I seem to be suffering some performance problems when transfering
files over nfs.

I have 2 feisty servers set up.
server A: i have installed nfs-kernel-server and have exported /nfs-export.
server B:  I have setup to automount A:/nfs-export as /autofs
Server A and B are connected by a gigabit ethernet connection.

When i start to sync a large file using rsync over nfs,  I only get
about 200kbps.
figuring this is too smal, i stopped the rysnc and switched to rsync over ssh.
which gave me about a 10Mbps transfer speed.

so I am thinking there is something wrong with my nfs setup.
does anyone have a suggestion as to what might be causing
such a performance problem?

Tomoki Taniguchi

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