Setting up an access point

Njoku, George O. njokug at
Tue Sep 4 20:02:46 UTC 2007

In my experience, Linux drivers from CDs normally come with an installer  "", sometimes. There should be a "README" file or "INSTALL" file in Linux section of CD.



CD will come with whole that case...

#make     (please read "README" and/or "INSTALL", might need copying source to HD)


(50/50 chance this will work)
CD will have a "drivername.ko" file which you will copy to "/lib/modules/kernel/drivers/net/wireless" then

#modprobe drivername.ko

(50/50 chance this will work)
CD will have a "drivername.fw" file which you will copy to "/lib/firmware"


-----Original Message-----
From: ubuntu-users-bounces at [mailto:ubuntu-users-bounces at] On Behalf Of Darryl LeCount
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2007 3:44 PM
To: Ubuntu user technical support
Subject: Setting up an access point

Hi all,

I've just got hold of a WLAN USB key. The primary point of it was to act
as a WLAN access point to provide internet access and file sharing for
my laptop (and internet for my PSP).

The driver disc that came with the key has both Windows and Linux
drivers, but only the Windows setup has an application that allows for
easy setup of an access point.

I've been trying to do this under Linux but am not sure how. Can anyone
suggest a quick and easy way of doing this? I hate having to start up
Windows to use my WLAN connection!


-- Darryl --

Darryl LeCount
darryl at

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