Thin-client? info

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Tue Sep 4 08:24:35 UTC 2007

Am Montag, den 03.09.2007, 19:14 +0100 schrieb SteVe Cook:
> A friend ha just acquired two old machines from work.  One 850MHz, one 
> 450MHz.  We've run a live CD on both and everything works. As he prefers 
> Kubuntu they're a bit sluggish so we thought of using both machines 
> together, with one as a terminal and the other a server.  We read a bit 
> of info on the net and they always recommend a powerful machine as the 
> server, but this is with multiple terminals.  As this is just going to 
> be the one terminal I thought we should use the most powerful machine 
> fir that as the graphics would be the most CPU intensive. 
have a look at:

its only two commands to prepare your system for trying out thin
clients ;)

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