What is Gobuntu?
Joel Bryan Juliano
joelbryan.juliano at gmail.com
Tue Sep 4 05:36:47 UTC 2007
I don't understand Gobuntu, I can't find a good explanation about it..
is it something close to the this proposal?
On 10/1/06, Joel Bryan Juliano <joelbryan.juliano at gmail.com> wrote:
> Proposal for Generic Metadata and Settings Modularization
> This proposal aims to:
> - change the way hardcoded patches are handled.
> - create a modularized packages for settings
> - provide a way to truely customize ubuntu by modularization.
> The current problem is, ubuntu packages contains distribution specific
> data and tied up dependencies with the distribution services. A user cannot
> safely remove launchpad-integration without removing the packages affected
> by it. The gnome-panel package contains distro specific desktop entry and a
> hardcoded patch that doesn't link to a .desktop file. These are unchangeable
> features build into the gnome-panel mainstream package. Ubuntu specific logo
> cannot be interchangeably revert back to upstream logo, and vice-versa. A
> user cannot choose to remove rhythmbox in place of banshee without breaking
> dependencies with ubuntu-meta. Those problems currently limit the choice of
> a user to truely customize ubuntu according to their requirements.
> Problems arises when a user tries to customize ubuntu according to their
> requirements. The cause is the distribution specific information in
> mainstream packages. What if all distro specific files and services where
> only be restricted inside the ubuntu-meta packages.
> Another proposal is to create a -generic metadata packages that contains
> only the desktop environment, upstream documentations, and upstream
> artworks.
> Here is an example. (User cases)
> - Jon choose ubuntu as a primary distribution for their business firm. The
> company has specific requirements in order for their business to work
> properly, so he modified ubuntu, download and install ubuntu-generic meta
> package that gives him the freedom to remove ubuntu-meta, so he can truely
> customize the OS according to their requirements without breaking any
> dependencies. Also with the aid of ubuntu-generic-template metapackage, he
> customize the OS much easier.
> The user must be able to customize the ubuntu distribution that gives him
> a total freedom to do all sorts of things into the system.
> For example, if a user choose to remove packages which were included in
> ubuntu-meta, a generic metadata can be installed in place of ubuntu-meta.
> The ubuntu-generic metadata package is similar to ubuntu-meta. Only it
> indicate that the packages does not contain distro specific files, and use
> the upstream version instead.
> The ubuntu-generic metadata package can also be used as a replacement of
> ubuntu-meta, so it will not report dependency problems when a package inside
> ubuntu-meta is removed.
> Proposals for -generic metadata.
> ubuntu-artwork-generic - contains packages that gives freedom for the user
> to remove ubuntu-specific artworks, and provide the upstream defaults for
> those packages.
> ubuntu-doc-generic - contains non distro specific documentations like
> gnome2-manual, diveintopython, and mozilla default start page.
> ubuntu-desktop-generic - only contains the components for the desktop to
> work. Will not contain office applications, multimedia applications, and
> distribution specific files.
> ubuntu-live-generic - use a chosen language as default, provides freedom
> to remove languages.
> Modularization of settings.
> Package creation of the following.
> gnome-panel-help-ubuntu - will use the ubuntu-doc files that links to
> "System > Help" submenu.
> gnome-panel-help-generic - does not use the ubuntu-doc files but contains
> link to ubuntu-doc-generic, and launchpad generic help sources page.
> Gconf defaults.
> The ubuntu gconf package contains already predefined defaults based on the
> specifications of ubuntu. The gconf settings must be customizable without
> modifying the gconf package itself.
> The proposal is to define the gconf settings in seperate packages, there
> will be a modularization of distro specific gconf settings and the gconf
> upstream version, the proposals are,
> - gconf-settings-ubuntu
> - gconf-settings-generic
> A user must be able to choose a settings in place of the other, and remove
> the unused settings without dependency problems.
> - launchpad-integration-generic - link to launchpad translations for
> generic distributions, and link to launchpad help page for generic
> distribution that includes google.com.
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