Can I mount USB drives with predictable mount points?

Alex Janssen alex at
Tue Sep 4 03:37:56 UTC 2007

Marnes said the following on 09/03/2007 11:26 PM:
> change volume labels:
> to fat and ntfs:
> sudo  mkdosfs  -n  myusblabel  /dev/sdb1   (change sdb1 to the
> appropriate device)
> to ext2/3:
> sudo  e2label  /dev/sdb1  myusblabel       (idem)
> put different labels in different usbdisks, for example, "mymp3",
> "hdbackup", ...
> when you mount, they will be always in
> /media/mymp3
> /media/hdbackup
> etc.
Will mkdosfs re-initiate the file system or just change the label with 
the -n option?


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