Filesystem maintenance

Hal Burgiss hal at
Mon Sep 3 12:08:12 UTC 2007

On Sun, Sep 02, 2007 at 08:28:41PM -0500, Jeff wrote:
> I have heard about Linux stability.  However, as the server runs 24/7 
> and never needs rebooting, after a while, the hard drive develops 
> problems.  This past spring, I let the thing run without any rebooting 


This might well be due to other hardware problems, or a flaky hard
drive. I don't think the assumption that because something runs 24/7
it will develop problems is true. It shouldn't. I don't doubt it
happens, but the cause is most likely either the drive is wonky, or
other hardware (memory, mboard, etc). fsck is a bandaid in such cases.


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