Amarok/xine driver problems

Peter Garrett peter.garrett at
Sun Sep 2 12:02:18 UTC 2007

On Sun, Sep 02, 2007 at 05:55:09AM -0500, ben miller wrote:

> Amarok won't recognize my xine drivers. Any time I try to play anything I get 
> the message 'xine was unable to initialize any audio drivers.' 
> Xine is installed I can can play any type of audio file through xmms or 
> rythmbox without problem. I've tried deleting amarok preferences and 
> reinstalling xine but all to no avail. Any insights are much appreciated.

Have you tried playing music using only xine? For example, from the terminal:

xine /path/to/loudmusic.mp3

If that doesn't work, it might at least show some error messages.

Have you installed  libxine-extracodecs   ?

Neither xine nor any player based on its engine will play mp3  or several other 
formats without those codecs. Try it.


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