Update Java to Update 2

Wade Smart wade at wadesmart.com
Sat Sep 1 10:53:28 UTC 2007

09012007 0548 GMT-6 DST

Im trying out on Ubuntu a software that I used for years called 
PersonalBrain. Its now available for linux. In the forum some of the 
persons using Ubuntu said, if your on 6.06 your ok with whats installed 
but, on 7.04 you have to use

When the application starts to install, a Start Up screen comes up but 
it is blank.

I did find this one post:
Instead it was a problem about blank Java-screens in conjunction with 
Beryl. So if someone experiences this problem and is using Beryl try adding

export AWT_TOOLKIT=MToolkit

to your .bashrc - it solved the whole problem for me ..."

but as I am not running Beryl I didnt think it relevant (and I dont know 
where this file is anyway :) ).


Knute Johnson wrote:
>> 08312007 1836 GMT-6 DST
>> I am trying to install a app which uses Java. I have 1.6.0-b105
>> installed and I need update 2 to run this install. How do I update Java?
>> wade
> Wade:
> I don't know what the latest available update is for java 1.6 on 
> Ubuntu but any of the 1.6.0 versions should run whatever you have.  
> That is unless you have one of the few bugs fixed in update 1 and 2.  
> There are no API differences between 1.6.0 and 1.6.0_01 and 1.6.0_02.

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