Road Runner sub-user in ubuntu

Wade Smart wade at
Sat Sep 1 00:31:50 UTC 2007

08312007 1928 GMT-6 DST

I'm not sure this is what you asking or not but, I have three accounts 
under my one email host. a at, b at and c at Each has a user 
name and password. On Thunderbird I just set up another email account 
with the user details - just like I did the first, except I put in the 
user and pass different.

Now I also have two other email addressed that I check. Again, I set 
those up just like did the above, new Accounts. And when I hit check 
messages it checks all accounts.


alex wrote:
> Time Warner's Road Runner permits adding subusers in Windows. The 
> recommended process is done in 'Outlook Express'.
> I user Road Runner in Thunderbird in UBUNTU and it works fine with just 
> one user.
> Has anyone who uses Thunderbird or any other email  in UBUNTU 
> successfully added subusers with a different address and password? If 
> yes, what's the procedure?
> alex

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