GRUB stalls during 7.10 installation

elmo elmo at
Wed Oct 31 18:37:12 UTC 2007

Michael Weller wrote:
> Hmm, maybe a BIOS-configuration issue!? Some of them do protect the
> MBR if you don't tell them not to.
I had no problem with any of the other 7 Linux systems while I installed 
them.  Their GRUBS all
installed and worked OK as the systems accumulated.  Wouldn't that 
indicate that the BIOS configuration is OK?

As they were accumulating, the last installed Linux's GRUB became the 
default GRUB
which included all the previously installed Linuxes and Windows XP.

I forgot to mention that the installation was initiated through the 
desktop icon  '"Install" from the CD
desktop. As previously stated, the installation seemed to progress 
perfectly until the notice that there was GRUB

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