Install PostgreSQL 8.2.5

Gunawan jgun98.milis at
Wed Oct 31 00:43:15 UTC 2007

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bill Moseley" <moseley at>
To: "Ubuntu user technical support,not for general discussions" 
<ubuntu-users at>
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2007 11:16 PM
Subject: Re: Install PostgreSQL 8.2.5

> On Mon, Oct 29, 2007 at 12:50:17PM +0700, Gunawan wrote:
>> > Is there a reason you want to build from source?
>> I know that using apt-get is the easiest way.
>> In learning linux I would like to try to build application from the 
>> source.
>> Though it would be rather difficult but I think nothing wrong with it.
> Postgresql is a big one to start with.
> A major part of what you get when you pick a distribution such as
> Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, Gentoo, etc., is a packaging system.  Unless
> you really have a need to build from source I would stick with the
> packages.
> If you want to just play with building software might be good to start
> with something that have fewer dependencies.
> If you really want to build Postgresql from source you might start
> with:
>    $ apt-get build-dep postgresql-8.2
> Then you can even download the postgesql source package and then build
> that using the Debian/Ubuntu build tools which wrap configure && make.
> But, then you are back to having a .deb so might as well use the
> binary package.
> -- 
> Bill Moseley
> moseley at

Cool, I think build-dep is for install build dependencies for postgresql?
Thank you Bill and also others...


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