Install Gutsy on Entire HD

Anthony Gardner cyclewood_ltd at
Tue Oct 30 18:51:24 UTC 2007

I've installed ubuntu on a brand new 120GB Fujitsu MHV2120A HD and although the install went without a hitch, booting the machine takes an age, there's no resume image (just a black screen) and no grub menu.

Does anyone have any pointers as to how to install something on an entire disk?

The partitions I created were /, swap and /home. / and /home were created as logical and both had beginning selected.

Looking at the hardware deviced, for this drive, it's marked SATA Controller but it's actaully an IDE. Could that me a problem?

File system output .....

 Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
 /dev/sda7             16271176   2135108  13309528  14% /
 varrun                  517772        92    517680   1% /var/run
 varlock                 517772         0    517772   0% /var/lock
 udev                    517772        92    517680   1% /dev
 devshm                  517772         0    517772   0% /dev/shm
 lrm                     517772     34696    483076   7% /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/volatile
 /dev/sda6             96124844    200596  91041296   1% /home



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