[TLUG]: locked out of home directory??
Lennart Sorensen
lsorense at csclub.uwaterloo.ca
Mon Oct 29 17:29:39 UTC 2007
On Thu, Oct 25, 2007 at 07:28:51PM -0400, matt.price at utoronto.ca wrote:
> i've run into a weird problem -- i can't access the home directory of
> my main user on a system running ubuntu gutsy. xsession fails with a
> less-than-ten-seconds error, and when i log in at the console i get
> the message:
> No directory, logging in with HOME=/
> if i try to
> ls /home/matt
> or
> cd /home/matt
> i get
> Permission denied.
> but if i ls -ld /home/matt it shows
> drw-r--r-- matt matt /home/matt
> doesn't that seem bizarre? anyway, it's a drag, and i'm writing this
> from a windows computer in my house, and it'd terribly disheartening.
> plus i have work to do!
> thanks for your help,
It does seem bizarre that someone or something would remove the execute
bit from the directory since a directory without eecute is nearly
unusable (you can't list it's contents). Most directories should be
Len Sorensen
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