Memory leak on Gutsy

Laura Conrad sunny at
Mon Oct 29 13:40:56 UTC 2007

>>>>> "Tony" == Tony Arnold <tony.arnold at> writes:

    >> "top" says that the culprit that is taking up more memory on the
    >> second day than the first is "udevd":

    Tony> I had a similar problem. The solution is to remove the package evms. You
    Tony> can use synaptic or aptitude oor whatever you prefer. E.g.:

    Tony> 	sudo aptitude purge evms

    Tony> And then you may need to reboot.

Thanks, this seems to have fixed the problem.

Laura (mailto:lconrad at , )
(617) 661-8097	fax: (501) 641-5011
233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139

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