Wine & Office 97

Eberhard Roloff tuxebi at
Mon Oct 29 07:32:09 UTC 2007

Hi Gun,

Gunawan wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have install office 97 with wine but it does not run as I expected.
What exactly is your problem?

> Where can I get tips or how to install office 97 with wine?
Google for +"office 97" +wine

more specifically, frank's corner can help you with this one.
Start with looking here:

In general Off 97 works very well with wine.
-First install dcom 95
-Secondly install Internet Explorer. This will give you much needed dlls
and the truetype fonts that you want with Office.

-Do a "user directed" installation. Do not install Access (that used to
fail), do not install IE (that is way to old), do not install Outlook
(this does not work either), do not install help and sample files (just
to save some space) and do not install the office assistants (they do
not work and you will be happy not to have them).

On a sidenote: Should you need Outlook, this can be done.
Ex. I used OL97 against Exch. 5.5 and OL2k against Exch.2K
You better install those apps separately.

> And should I create any shortcut manually because I can't find any shortcut?

On a 10.3 Linux this should be done automagically (I did not try with
Office, but installed some smaller apps and their respective icons were
created automagically on my KDE desktop.)

first be sure, that your program runs ok. Try "wine winword.exe" in the
programm install directory. If this works you can always easily create
as many shortcuts as you like. You do not need shortcuts as long as it
does not work properly.

> And How to uninstall the program that I have install with wine?
To get rid of just your Office97:
Delete the Directory that you installed it to.
Usually this should be ".wine/Program Files/MS-Office" or similar.

To get rid of a totally screwed wine installation and to restart from
"rm -rf .wine"

I just realized that this year, we celebrate Office 97's tenth birthday.

Congratulations. There are very few applications around that prosper for
so long....

Is there something that prevents you from using the Open Office 2.3
version from 2007?

Kind regards

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