Weird DNS behaviour

Mark Nichols ubuntu.prole at
Sat Oct 27 16:36:39 UTC 2007

I hate to hijack a thread, but it is the only way I can post to this list.
New emails sent to ubuntu-users at from my email address (
ubuntu.prole at seem to disappear.  I never see them in the list.
However, when I've replied to other postings (like this one I am hijacking)
they replies come through just fine.

I've looked at the settings on my account page and can't see anything that
would prevent me from posting to the list.

Any ideas?

I don't believe I understand all I know about this.
Release 7.10 (gutsy), Kernel Linux 2.6.22-14-generic, GNOME 2.20.0
Memory 2.2 GB, Processor 0 & 1: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.4 GHz, Graphics:
ATI Radeon X300
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