Friday discuss, nostalgy

Mihamina Rakotomandimby mihamina.rakotomandimby at
Fri Oct 26 15:14:42 UTC 2007

Robert Hodgins wrote:
>> I remember in the "old" times, there was a way to switch from a Debian 
>> to an Ubuntu just by changing the repos in sources.list and making some 
>> minor changes to the system.
>> Is it now as easy as that yet? :)
> I'd guess not. Are you interested in being able to switch back and
> forth?

I dont think switching to Debian (from Ubuntu) is a real switch _back_.
And I dont really want to (especially for my desktops), but just asked 
if that "feature" has been maintained.

Reminding some features of the past just make me realize the amount of 
progress and work on a project.

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