Scheduling Ubuntu to "Wake Up"

Daniel Pevny public.bob at
Fri Oct 26 02:02:11 UTC 2007

Thanks Bill, I'll try it out the next time I get access to Ubuntu  
(typing from my Macbook, which inspired me to try Ubuntu on my PC).   
Anyway, why do you suggest a non-graphical music player?  Do  
graphical ones require a login?  What specific music player would you  
suggest and why?

On Oct 25, 2007, at 9:52 PM, Bill Moseley wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 25, 2007 at 08:53:58PM -0400, Daniel Pevny wrote:
>> Well, totem has been able to run the .plist file when I put the
>> following command in terminal:
>> totem 'directory'
> Not sure what you mean, but you won't be able to run totem from cron
> without specifying the display.
>     $ crontab -e
> then enter this to wake up at 5:45 Monday through Friday.
>     45 5 * * 1-5 totem --display=:1.0  /path/to/dir/or/file
> Assuming your display is :1.0  (hint: echo $DISPLAY)
> But, I'd probably use a non-graphical music player.
> -- 
> Bill Moseley
> moseley at
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