Compiz Question

Kent Borg kentborg at
Thu Oct 25 16:50:27 UTC 2007

Tony Arnold wrote:
> If you install compizconfig-settings-manager you can disable both the
> ring switcher and the shift switcher which I think will leave you with a
> simple switcher. It only shows a few windows at a time but does give a
> preview of each window.
No go. They are off. (In fact, when I try turning them on I don't see 
any difference.)

I don't want a preview unless it can be very small and somehow include 
an icon. I want to see all the windows summarized so I can quickly spot 
the one I need. I also want to switch backwards with the shift-alt-tab, 
because I sometimes go too far. The compiz switcher won't let me switch 

Take a look at this image:

At a glance I can see there are three Thunderbird windows, six Firefox 
windows, four terminals, etc. It makes it easy to navigate through 21 
windows. The compiz window switcher makes it cool to navigate through 
windows, but not easier.


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