mail components

Jack Dangler jdangler at
Thu Oct 25 15:18:02 UTC 2007

Hi again all.  Haven´t seen the list in a few.  Got a ¨too many bounces¨
notice from the listserv and was put in the corner for timeout.  I still
don´t know what that was about, but anyway.
I used the off time to get a bigger drive for my laptop and made the
switch to gutsy.  So far, overall I really like the improved
performance.  Couple of items which didn´t (and still don´t) work - 
desktop effects - I´ve seen alot of traffic in the forums about this, so
I´m not surprised, but it´s an odd duck to knock down.
keyboard - in order to put a quote mark on something I have to strike
the key twice in rapid succession.  Probably a kbd layout issue there.
LVM encrypted (so far) seems to be working out well.

Running Dell Latitude 810 2Gb RAM/ 160Gb ATA drive
Ubuntu 8.10


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