Suspend works with Feisty kernel, not Gutsy

Bill Moseley moseley at
Wed Oct 24 23:38:45 UTC 2007

On Wed, Oct 24, 2007 at 10:24:36AM -0700, Bill Moseley wrote:
> >
> Yes, thanks, I saw that.  And yes, I'm using fglrx.
> So, If I boot w/o xorg (can I do this from grub boot menu?) suspend
> should work, correct?

The answer is, mostly yes.

    $ sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove


    $ sudo /usr/sbin/pmi action suspend
    $ sudo /usr/sbin/pmi action hibernate

both work, but in both case the display doesn't come back.  I can ssh
into the laptop after waking up, but the screen comes back black with
sleep, and is stuck on the splash screen with a wake from hibernate.

Can uswsusp co-exist with my existing suspend?  I'm curious about
using this:

I've also been told that suspend2 tends to work the best.  Anyone have
experience with that?

I reset my init.d scripts for gdm by using

    $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm

Bill Moseley
moseley at

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