
norman norman at
Wed Oct 24 19:34:39 UTC 2007

> > Since changing to Gutsy I have noticed on a number of occasions small
> > squares appear with what appear to be numbers in them. Can somebody
> > please tell me what these squares mean?
> >
> > Norman
> If those small square with numbers in them appear while you are driving along 
> a highway,  they are speed signs.   Keep an eye on them.
> That's the smart-a$$  answer but in short, we need more information.  Where do 
> you see these small squares and what were you doing when they appeared?
OK, here is an example. It is part of a description of the properties of
a CD/DVD Rom drive:-

48x (CD) / 20x (DVD±R) / 10x (DVD±R DL)

Oddly enough, the squares do not appear when the line with them in is
transferred by cut and paste, instead there is a comma in their place. I
wonder why there are those squiggly lines over the letter A?


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