kernel, nvidia problems after upgrading inspiron to gutsy

Charlie Zender zender at
Wed Oct 24 15:48:30 UTC 2007


I recently upgraded my fully patched feisty i686 laptop to gutsy.
The laptop is a Intel dual core Dell Inspiron 9400, ~1.5 yrs old.
The upgrade (with adept-updater) failed in the middle somewhere,
possibly due to the renaming of the archives.
In any case, I finished the upgrade to gutsy using aptitude and
now my gutsy laptop behaves strangely.

1. The 2.6.22 kernel does not recognize both CPUs
   So I typically boot into 2.6.20 (feisty's kernel) instead

2. The 2.6.22 kernel activate the internal Intel 3945 wireless,
   nor the the internal wired ethernet port.
   So I typically boot into 2.6.20 (feisty's kernel) instead.
   Yes, I activated the intel 3945 driver in the restricted driver manager
   Yes, the ipw3945 kernel modules seem to be there

3. The Nvidia driver fails with both 2.6.22 and 2.6.20 kernels
   Instead I must use the 'nv' driver
   Software suspend does not work with 'nv' (dark screen after resume)
   Yes, I activated the nvidia driver in the restricted driver manager
   Yes, I tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
   Yes, the nvidia kernel modules seem to be there

Basically, it seems like gutsy broke the fun stuff that used to
work with feisty.

I'm hoping these symptoms "ring a bell" with someone who can
recommend a course of action to fix these problems.

Any help appreciated,
Charlie Zender, Department of Earth System Science, UC Irvine
Sab. at CNRS/LGGE-Grenoble until 20080715 :) 011+33+476+824236
Laboratoire de Glaciologie et Géophysique de l'Environnement
54 rue Molière BP 96, 38402 Saint Martin d'Hères Cedex, France

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