Weird DNS behaviour

Edgars Šmits ed.smits at
Wed Oct 24 04:00:32 UTC 2007

Glad someone took up the challenge...

Nothing in my resolve.conf:

edgars at gutsy-64:/etc$ more resolv.conf
# generated by NetworkManager, do not edit!
edgars at gutsy-64:/etc$

as to any dns related daemons, can't say that anything in there looks
to be of that sort.

Anything else? It is specific only to Ubuntu.


On 10/24/07, Fajar Priyanto <fajarpri at> wrote:
> On Tuesday 23 October 2007 21:47:52 Edgars Šmits wrote:
> > For some reason I can't resolve subsets of domains as well as some
> > normal domains. For instance, I can resolve and get to,
> >, but all images at those sites are on
> > which I can't resolve, so I can't see any
> > images on amazon.
> > I'm running DHCP, and other machines with Ubuntu that have been
> > connected to the same DHCP server have no problems. The problem seems
> > to be almost transient in nature, a few nights ago I couldn't resolve
> >, today I can, although vmware etc are still not resolving.
> >
> > Any ideas where I should start looking? I have managed to work around
> > the problem using the XP image, but would prefer to figure out what is
> > causing it and fix it.
> Hello Ed,
> Un-persistent and inconsistent problem is surely very hard to solve.
> We need to localize the problem first. From your explanation, it seems that it
> only happens with your Ubuntu, XP is ok.
> Can you copy paste the content of your /etc/resolv.conf here?
> Also is there any local daemon running on your ubuntu related to dns/name
> resolution?

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