NFS mount permissions when user ids don't match

Craig Hagerman craighagerman at
Wed Oct 24 03:05:43 UTC 2007

On 10/24/07, Bill Moseley <moseley at> wrote:
> I have a machine that exports a user's directory.  The user
> is id=1000 on that machine.
> I want to allow any users on the client machine to mount the
> directory.
> The problem, I think, is that uid 1000 on the client (ubuntu) machine
> is user admin, so a user can run mount /mnt/photos but then it gets
> mounted as:
>     drwx------ 6 admin users 4096 1969-12-31 16:00 photos
> Is there a way to mount this so a normal user can have access?

I could be wrong, but I had always thought that the UID and GID MUST
match between the client and the server when using NFS. If that is
true then what you are trying to do isn't possible, unless there is
some way of changing / faking the ID on the fly.


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