Nothing plays DVDs in Ubuntu Gutsy?

Default User xyzzyx at
Wed Oct 24 02:09:56 UTC 2007

On Wed, 2007-10-24 at 00:59 +0100, chombee wrote:
> Has there been some sort of change in Ubuntu between Feisty and Gutsy
> regarding playing commercial DVDs? The new automatic codec installation
> certainly doesn't seem to be working (nothing ever asked me if I wanted
> to install a codec), nor are all the normal methods.
> The result is quite confusing as well. There are at least two different
> sets of instructions on the Ubuntu website for how to get DVD playback,
> and a third if you count the GNOME site that totem-gstreamer points you
> to when you try to play a DVD. (It contains instructions with package
> names that apparently don't apply to Ubuntu).
> I've followed all the instructions on these pages:
> They don't seem to have been updated for Gutsy yet. But the second one
> has the same instructions as I get if I go to System->Help in Gutsy. So
> I have installed ubuntu-restricted-extras, libdvdcss2 (tried the
> medibuntu repository version, and the version, as per the
> two different sets of instructions for installing it), libdvdnav4,
> libdvdread3, libxine1-ffmpeg and a whole bunch of other stuff besides.
> And I have tried totem-gstreamer, totem-xine, vlc, mplayer, gxine,
> xine-ui and ogle, nothing will play a DVD. It worked fine on feisty.
> The one thing is that the second set of instructions linked above says
> to install libdvdplay0, the instructions refer to feisty and I can't
> find that package for gutsy. I even searched for it on
>, it's not there.
> I'll try to provide some useful info about what errors the various
> players give me. They all seem to be telling me that I don't have
> libdvdcss2, though I certainly do. As I said, I've tried both versions
> of it, installed, reinstalled, rebooted, etc.
> Oh, and I've tried all this with several DVDs too.
> Totem (gstreamer), when I insert a DVD:
> "Could not open location; you might not have permission to open the
> file."
> and when I open it myself with the DVD already in, and choose Play Disc:
> "Totem cannot play this type of media (DVD) because it does not have the
> appropriate plugins to be able to read from the disc.
> "Please install the necessary plugins and restart Totem to be able to
> play this media."
> There is a button labelled "More information about media plugins" that
> opens <> in a web browser.
> Totem-gstreamer gives no output to the console.
> Totem-xine says:
> "The source seems encrypted, and can't be read. Are you trying to play
> an encrypted DVD without libdvdcss?"
> and it prints a load of stuff out to the console:
> <>
> Mplayer gives this output: <> then it
> freezes for a long time before giving a *lot* of output that looks like
> this <> These "CRC check failed!"
> messages along with "a52: error at resampling messages" seem to go on
> forever.
> Next up, the legendary vlc, which fails pretty ungracefully with a core
> dump: <>
> Gxine gives the error "Encrypted or faulty DVD" and prints out this to
> the terminal <>
> Plain xine says "The source can't be read. Maybe you don't have enough
> rights for this, or source doesn't contain data (e.g. not disc in
> drive). (Encrypted or faulty DVD)" and prints
> <>
> Finally, ogle. The first ever program I used to play DVDs on Ubuntu back
> in the warty days. So simple. It just crashes, and prints to the
> console:
> WARNING[dvd_gui]: add_keybinding(): No such action: 'SaveScreenshot'
> WARNING[dvd_gui]: add_keybinding(): No such action:
> 'SaveScreenshotWithSPU'
> WARNING[ogle_mpeg_ps]: dvdreadblocks only got 1, wanted 243
> FATAL[ogle_mpeg_ps]: dvdreadblocks failed
> So, that's a whole lot of error messages, but it doesn't tell me
> anything about what the problem is. Well, it sounds like libdvdcss2 is
> missing, but it isn't. Does it suggest anything to anyone out there? Am
> I alone in this or is there a common problem with playing DVDs on Gutsy?
> And what is the 'official' method for enabling DVD playback on Gutsy?
> Thanks thanks thanks

I feel your pain! Just tried for the first time to play a commercial dvd
movie, and I also have been unable to make it work.  I had no idea it
would be so difficult as late as October 2007.  You have already tried
everything I tried, and then some.  So I have no advice, but perhaps a
developer might be able to shed so light on the matter.  

Anyway, at least you're not alone. 

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