latest release install problem

NoOp glgxg at
Tue Oct 23 17:24:46 UTC 2007

On 10/23/2007 06:27 AM, John Davies wrote:
> Hi
> Have followed the online upgrade from Feisty after making sure all updates
> were in place - everything seemed to run ok but upon reboot machine stops
> and will not go any further. Machine goes through the normal boot routine
> and displays the Ubuntu splash screen showing load progress, then after it
> has finished all we are left with is a flashing cursor. Have tried going
> into the boot menus and tried Ubuntu 7.10 kernel - generic
> (recovery mode) this went thru the booting progress and stops at a line -
> ' setting up console font + keymap
> root at jdlinux:~#
> '
> Can anything be done to get the system to boot without a fresh install - I
> am not that good with linux at present as I am a Newbie.

Sounds very much like the problem that I had with one of my systems. For
some reason /etc/apt/sources.list did not get updated to include:

deb gutsy main restricted universe

As a result I think that critical pieces weren't properly installed
during the upgrade & then when you reboot they can't be found by the
system.  After booting in recovery mode:

# nano /etc/apt/sources.list

make sure that the deb gutsy main
restricted universe multiverse

line is in the file. Then ctl-o to write it out then ctl-x to quit.


# apt-get update
# apt-get upgrade
# apt-get dist-upgrade

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