Screen rotation in Gutsy 7.10

Loïc Martin loic.martin3 at
Mon Oct 22 23:14:58 UTC 2007

Loïc Martin a écrit :
> Hi,
> I'd like to know how I can set up an automatic (or non-automatic) screen 
> rotation when I rotate my LCD from landscape to portrait.
> The LCD's documentation says it can be automatic on Windows XP and 
> Vista, so the screen must be passing an information to the computer.
> Is there any way to achieve the same in linux, or is there any way to 
> rotate the resolution manually? I've checked the new Screen 
> configuration in Gutsy (I had high hopes for it :) ), but there's 
> nothing about rotation.
> Thank you,
> Loïc

I can rotate the screen by modifying xorg.conf ( adding
Option       "Rotate" "CCW"
to the Device section).

What I'd like to know is if it's possible to rotate the screen without 
having to restart X, so I don't have to quit my apps and restart them 
again afterwards. I'm using nVidia proprietary drivers.

Thanks in advance :)

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