A Gutsy upgrade story

David Vincent dvincent at sleepdeprived.ca
Mon Oct 22 22:31:56 UTC 2007

David Vincent wrote:
> Derek Broughton wrote:
>> David Vincent wrote:
>>> Derek Broughton wrote:
>>>>> Editing /etc/default/acpi-support and
>>>>> commenting out the LOCK_SCREEN=true line fixed this problem on the Dell
>>>>> but not the IBM - weird.
>>>> Perhaps that's actually configured in the power manager on the IBM.
>>> Thanks for asking but sadly this is not the case.  This is definitely an
>>> xscreensaver type password prompt.
>> Yes, but the kde-guidance-powermanager has configuration options to invoke
>> the (KDE) screensaver/lock when suspending or when closing the lid. 
>> Essentially the same thing as the option you found in ACPI.  I would expect
>> other power managers can do the same.
> I take it back, this problem is not fixed on either laptop.  :(  Its 
> gotta be a simple fix so when I find it I will definitely post it.
> Anyways, that said there are no password options in either BIOS which 
> affect this.  There is the usual power-on password possibility but 
> neither laptop is configured that way.

actually, further investigation has turned up that if i use the 
power-applet (which i like to have showing in the system-notification 
area) to suspend/hibernate a maching it asks for the password upon 
resume.  if i use the shotdown button in the top-left corner of my 
desktop and click hibernate there - no password upon resume.

so its some script somewhere which is not respecting my acpi-support 
settings i suspect.  meanwhile i'm perfectly happy with this workaround.


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