Mutt not showing IMAP mailbox counts

Bill Moseley moseley at
Mon Oct 22 19:50:09 UTC 2007

Anyone using Mutt and IMAPs?  Since upgrading to Gutsy the mailbox
counts display ( c?<tab> ) always shows zero counts.

Can anyone confirm this?  I'm kind of stuck now trying to resolve the

There's this in the changelog:

    mutt (1.5.15+20070412-1ubuntu1) gutsy; urgency=low

      * Backport patch from Debian to fix wrong unread count on imap folders.
        Thanks to Adeodato Simó.

Although I'm not sure it applies to this specific problem.

I built mutt from and also don't see the counts.  So,
seems to be problem in upstream.

Now, I built mutt from svn and the counts *do* show up, but only once
-- they then revert back to zeros.  I have to exit mutt and restart
before the counts come back (and again are only shown one time).

Debian's sid source package has this in its changelog:

    mutt (1.5.16-3) unstable; urgency=medium

      * Fix the maildir-mtime patch change in 1.5.14+cvs20070403-1 that broke
        new mail message count in IMAP folders. (Closes: #421468, #428734, #433275)

I downloaded that Debian Sid source on a Sid machine (using apt-get
source to be sure to apply all the patches) and then copied the
source to the Gusty machine and built.  But, that also failed to show
any counts.  I just built with:

    ./configure --enable-imap --with-ssl --prefix=$HOME/mutt

instead of building a .deb, but I believe that all the patches should
be applied.

Any ideas what to try next?  I find it odd that the debian package
didn't resolve the issue.

Bill Moseley
moseley at

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