VMware Server on Gutsy ?

Marius Gedminas marius at pov.lt
Mon Oct 22 18:17:52 UTC 2007

On Sun, Oct 21, 2007 at 08:15:09PM +0100, John Carlyle-Clarke wrote:
> If it's easy enough for you to create a VM from scratch, you could give 
> VirtualBox a spin too.  There are plenty of HowTo's available.  Windows 
> guests generally won't seem to migrate from VMWare to VirtualBox without 
> some significant problems, but when I tried it out, it seemed a lot 
> faster.  There is an open source version available (which you have to 
> compile I think)

No -- the open-source version of virtualbox is in the Ubuntu
repositories (package virtualbox-ose).

(The Qt-based GUI looks incredibly ugly on my GNOME desktop.)

Marius Gedminas
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