how to install software locally?

Pete Clapham w.clapham at
Mon Oct 22 15:27:56 UTC 2007

You can also use the unix convention of establishing yourself as 
superuser (i.e. root) by giving root a password.  Type
*sudo passwd root*.  This will enable somebody who can do sudo to set 
the password for user root.  Give root the password you want.  Then, 
when you want to use a command-line command as root, type *su*.  The 
system will ask you for root's password.  You do NOT want to use root as 
a user of a GUI, but it's great for installing stuff.


KongJianjun wrote:
>>> Hi everybody,
>>> Is there a way to install software locally using apt?
>>> More specifically, I have a normal user account (not root)
>>> on a computer, and I want to install some software in my
>>> home directory. Is it possible to do so using apt?
>>> Thanks in advance for your response.
>> As normal user you CAN'T install software using apt. But, you can "install" 
>> software in your home dir as long as the software is a binary file/script 
>> that can be run without having to write any files/library outside your home 
>> dir.
> If you have been allowed in /etc/sudoer ,you can installsoftware using sudo apt-get install software_name.
> Download the binary file and install software is also easy.

Pete Clapham
Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences
Cleveland State University
Cleveland, Ohio, 44115

Voice:  [216] 687-4820
Fax:  [216] 687-6972
w.clapham at

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