installing ubuntu while keeping windows XP as well

Justin Gruenberg justin.gruenberg at
Mon Oct 22 07:28:29 UTC 2007

On 10/21/07, ADEEL MOHAMMAD <adeelb75 at> wrote:
> I want to keep both operating system. How can I do that.

Option 1 - Dual Booting:

In my experience, it's better if you don't resize partitions.  If you
can start clean (new Ubuntu install + new Windows Install) you will
have better chances of success.  BACK UP YOUR DATA WHENEVER YOU PLAY

Option 2 - Virtualization
You can also use a virtual machine to run one operating system inside
of the other.  There is a variety of ways to do this, and I haven't
done any of them.  One place to start your research is VMWare

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