[somewhat fixed] Re: Gutsy upgrade borked

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Mon Oct 22 01:47:38 UTC 2007

On 10/21/2007 01:27 PM, Felipe Figueiredo wrote:
> On Sunday 21 October 2007 05:54:38 johan wrote:
>> Your mother is super.
> I totally agree, but that's beside the point ;-)
> The fact is that the upgrade process went as smooth as it should be, so I 
> conclude it's safe for a medium user, with a basic install to do it on his 
> own.
> regards
> FF

Kudo's to your Mom :-) (sincerely).

I would suspect that when she did the upgrade, the upgrade probably
correctly modifed the /etc/apt/sources.list to include:

deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy main restricted universe

Mine didn't. After pulling out the remainder of what little hair I have
left I finally manually added the source. Then I ssh'ed into the
machine, did updates/upgrades, reinstalled Ubuntu, modified the UUID for
the drive, and reinstalled the cursed 'ubuntu-desktop from meta hell'
and *finally* got this thing (I am using it now) to bring up a login
screen & gnome. Main drive and data are intact, second windows drive is
off in UUID land which I'll figure out later (I officially proclaim that
I hate UUID - every try to manually enter a UUID via nano when you're
tired & pissed off vs /dev/hda1?). Now I'm off to fix my cups printers
which the wonderful apparmor has predictably managed screwed up...
anyone know what my localhost password is for this new & wonderful print
manager is...

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