Problem with keyboard on 7.04 Kubuntu

Sean Rima sean at
Sun Oct 21 20:33:00 UTC 2007

Nils Kassube wrote:
> Sean Rima wrote:
>> Sean Rima wrote:
>>> Since yesterday, under KDE I have to hold down my keys for a long
>>> time before they register with KDE as being pressed. However if I log
>>> out, the press time goes back to normal. AFAIK I have not changed
>>> anything. I believe that Opera was updated but as I don't use it will
>>> be removing it anyway.
>>> If I log out, I can easily switch to a terminal and do things, but
>>> once I log into X then it is painfull, is there anything I can change
>> Just as an addon, I installed GNOME and I hve no problems with the
>> keyboard, but if I log into KDE get the same
> Login to Gnome and rename your /home/<username>/.kde directory. Make it 
> something like /home/<username>/.kde.bak and then login to KDE. Then the 
> directory will be created new with the default settings. If that works, 
> you can then copy important settings you care about from the backup 
> in /home/<username>/.kde.bak/share/config to the new location 
> in /home/<username>/.kde/share/config.
> Nils

Never thought of that, will try it now and see what happens, though I am
getting the hang of gnome :)


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