Gutsy upgrade borked
Alex Janssen
alex at
Sun Oct 21 03:34:53 UTC 2007
NoOp said the following on 10/20/2007 10:17 PM:
> Well I decided to upgrade my last primary system to Gutsy... what a
> mistake that's been.
> All seemed to go as well as the other Gutsy upgrades (3 other systems);
> finished and then rebooted. Nothing worked - booting from the older
> Feisty kernel allowed me to get to a tty screen. apt-get -f install:
> errors all over the place. dpgk --configure -a so may errors that I
> can't even decide which ones to remove. I've gone round & round trying
> to find the problem. Disappointing; perhaps there was something in my
> old Feisty config that caused the problem, but whatever it was should
> have come up during the online upgrade. Bottom line is that the system
> is hosed and I've given up and the system is in the process of a
> reinstall. Note: the other upgrades didn't go well either, but I figured
> that was due to the beta status of the distro.
> At the same time I was given an IBM T21 Thinkpad today. Cool... I have
> Gutsy running on an A21 Thinkpad - basically the same laptops, only the
> A21 has a broken screen so I've been running it off of a docking
> station. No problem I say; the T21 has Windows 2000 Pro running & works
> fine. I swap the hard drives; the Win2KP comes up just fine in the A21,
> the T21 with the Gutsy drive piddles about for awhile and finally comes
> up in 800 x big icon mode. Can't get things to work & spend an hour
> before finally reconfiguring /etc/X11/xorg.conf manually to get me back
> on track. Finally get a decent screen, but come to find out that my
> fixed IP setting are borked, so spend another hour fixing that. And lo &
> behold I can finally post this bitch on the list!
> I think that most on this list know that I've gotten pretty good at
> installing/reinstalling/borking Ubuntu, but at this point I'm seriously
> considering going back to M$. Sent my kid off to college with a Feisty
> install on his computer and now I don't dare upgrading the system
> remotely. Thank goodness that I was smart enough do a dual boot config
> on that machine so that WinXPP is useable in the event of an Ubuntu failure.
> Sorry to bitch (enter Mario, et al :-) but I've just about reached the
> end of my rope spending hours & hours & days & days screwing around with
> this distro. It works once you get it tuned and working, but then Ubuntu
> can't fix basic application issues (like OpenOffice etc) on the existing
> distro so you are forced to upgrade to the latest distro (fine stay on
> LTS and work with OOo 2.x out of date not working version etc).
> I'm off to reformat & reinstall Windows on the other system...
Justin's right. I'm holding back until I start hearing better news.
Medibuntu is not up-to-date yet. That's torquing some people's brains
Right now, everything's working on 7.04, and I'm leaving it that way for
the time being.
Considering what Linux is, a volunteer built system, I don't understand
the rush to upgrade. I really think, well, people like myself, not
being system level gurus, should let those types work out the last
minute bugs. Saves a lot of frustration for me.
I wonder if it works ok as a new install. Anybody done that with good
The dumber people think you are, the more surprised they're going to be when you kill them. - William Clayton (295)
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