Gutsy upgrade borked

NoOp glgxg at
Sun Oct 21 03:32:21 UTC 2007

On 10/20/2007 07:53 PM, Justin Gruenberg wrote:
> On 10/20/07, NoOp <myemailaddress> wrote:

>> Sorry to bitch (enter Mario, et al :-) but I've just about reached the
>> end of my rope spending hours & hours & days & days screwing around with
>> this distro. It works once you get it tuned and working, but then Ubuntu
>> can't fix basic application issues (like OpenOffice etc) on the existing
>> distro so you are forced to upgrade to the latest distro (fine stay on
>> LTS and work with OOo 2.x out of date not working version etc).
>> I'm off to reformat & reinstall Windows on the other system...
> There's some good tips for the T21 at thinkwiki:

I already had everything installed on the A21, and just moved the A21
hard drive to the T21. It's all working now (I'm using it to post this),
but the problem was that I *still* had to go through an xorg reconfig to
get things working again. The A21 was configured to boot with a default
screen of 1024x and had been working as a blind setup without any
monitor attached. When I moved the drive to the T21 with a working LCD
Gutsy tried to guess the resolution, couldn't, and resorted to 800x. I
tried the gui, didn't work, and finally ended up doing what I usually do
with Ubuntu upgrades: reconfiguring xorg manually.

> Why remotely upgrade your kids computer?  Use a LTS version?  Or
> upgrade it when they come home?  If they're not the kind of person to
> fiddle with all the settings, they're probably not going to care if
> their applications are a few versions behind.

That's pretty silly statement isn't it? Have them drag the desktop home
so dad can upgrade their computer. I maintain over 200 computers
remotely worldwide (primarily Windows) and figure that I should have
confidence in upgrading my kid's computer remotely as well. Given that
statement, and the fact that I work with Ubuntu daily, have 4 local test
systems, and generally support Ubutuntu, and contribute to this list as
I can, I think that when I say that I'd hesitate to update my kid's
Feisty remotely - make that '*wouldn't update my kid's Feisty
remotely*', you can pretty well bet that I have little confidence in
attempting to do so.

BTW: Why the need to upgrade?

OOo 2.2 in Feisty doesn't work and is *seriously* broken, Evolution
printing doesn't work in letter form (A4 only), and many, many things in
Feisty don't work & won't be fixed in Feisty. The only way to move on is
to upgrade to Gutsy. Or continue to remove Ubuntu bulk meta packages
(OOo etc) and install individually - ever try to remove and reinstall
Evolution from source in Ubuntu?

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