Gutsy upgrade borked

NoOp glgxg at
Sun Oct 21 02:17:07 UTC 2007

Well I decided to upgrade my last primary system to Gutsy... what a
mistake that's been.

All seemed to go as well as the other Gutsy upgrades (3 other systems);
finished and then rebooted. Nothing worked - booting from the older
Feisty kernel allowed me to get to a tty screen. apt-get -f install:
errors all over the place. dpgk --configure -a so may errors that I
can't even decide which ones to remove. I've gone round & round trying
to find the problem. Disappointing; perhaps there was something in my
old Feisty config that caused the problem, but whatever it was should
have come up during the online upgrade. Bottom line is that the system
is hosed and I've given up and the system is in the process of a
reinstall. Note: the other upgrades didn't go well either, but I figured
that was due to the beta status of the distro.

At the same time I was given an IBM T21 Thinkpad today. Cool... I have
Gutsy running on an A21 Thinkpad - basically the same laptops, only the
A21 has a broken screen so I've been running it off of a docking
station. No problem I say; the T21 has Windows 2000 Pro running & works
fine. I swap the hard drives; the Win2KP comes up just fine in the A21,
the T21 with the Gutsy drive piddles about for awhile and finally comes
up in 800 x big icon mode. Can't get things to work & spend an hour
before finally reconfiguring /etc/X11/xorg.conf manually to get me back
 on track. Finally get a decent screen, but come to find out that my
fixed IP setting are borked, so spend another hour fixing that. And lo &
behold I can finally post this bitch on the list!

I think that most on this list know that I've gotten pretty good at
installing/reinstalling/borking Ubuntu, but at this point I'm seriously
considering going back to M$. Sent my kid off to college with a Feisty
install on his computer and now I don't dare upgrading the system
remotely.  Thank goodness that I was smart enough do a dual boot config
on that machine so that WinXPP is useable in the event of an Ubuntu failure.

Sorry to bitch (enter Mario, et al :-) but I've just about reached the
end of my rope spending hours & hours & days & days screwing around with
this distro. It works once you get it tuned and working, but then Ubuntu
can't fix basic application issues (like OpenOffice etc) on the existing
distro so you are forced to upgrade to the latest distro (fine stay on
LTS and work with OOo 2.x out of date not working version etc).

I'm off to reformat & reinstall Windows on the other system...

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