**** SPAM ****How to read a floppy disk created with windows?

Alfred JILKA ubuntu at jilka.eu
Fri Oct 19 20:21:37 UTC 2007

Ashley Benton schrieb:
> Hi, I am lost again.
>  I used Ubuntu 6.10 and need to open a floppy disk that had been made 
> by windows (don't know which one, maybe 98 or XP) The floppy disk 
> contains pictures and I need to see and print some of them. I did cd 
> /dev, then ls and most of what is inside is written in yellow with a 
> black fond. I was wondering what it meaned? Also I tried cd /dev cat ? 
> but apparently that's binary because all I was was signs without 
> meaning for me. Does anybody knows how I can actually see the pictures 
> that are on this disk drive?
> All help would be appreciated
> Meg
How about menu "Places"/Computer and just open the floppy drive ? At 
least for me it is _that_ simple. No need to cd /dev and try some voodoo.

HTH, ALfred

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