Gutsy Kubuntu font problems

Paul S paulatgm at
Fri Oct 19 12:11:08 UTC 2007

Anand Buddhdev said the following on 10/19/2007 06:33 AM:
> I read that in Gutsy, the DPI from the X server is now used to render 
> fonts, instead of the fixed default of 96. I therefore attempted to fix 
> the DPI by applying the following settings in xorg.conf

No problem here.  I changed feisty to use my actual dpi of 86x86, so I 
have the same font appearance after upgrading.  I don't know why you 
wouldn't use the designed dpi of your monitor?

Also, are you running kubuntu apps in gnome?  That could be part of the 
problem of the difference you see between gtk and kde apps.  I run kde 
and have gtk apps run in it.  So, kcontrol can adjust the gtk fonts to 
use the same as kde apps.


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