[Bulk] how to use I.E. at ubuntu? Help

arijit sarkar ari_sarkar_1980 at yahoo.co.in
Fri Oct 19 05:08:55 UTC 2007

On Fri, 2007-10-19 at 00:42 +0800, Vincent Chew wrote:
> Dear all:
>         i am working with a company that need to use I.E, for my work.
> and i like to use Ubuntun at my lovely laptop. can some one help me on
> this. or if got any option that Mozila can cheat the stupid server as
> a I.E, . thanks .
> Vincent 

Well, everybody gave you very precise advices.
here are my additions: 

1. If you only need IE feature on Linux, use add-ons for mozilla. this
way you don't need to install wine or virtual-machines and hassles for

2. If you use many windows soft wares, in that case wine is already
installed, go for IE on Wine (wine-doors). I'm using this way.

arijit sarkar <ari_sarkar_1980 at yahoo.co.in>
Kolkata, India

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