School Project; please read

Brian Fahrlander brian at
Tue Oct 16 21:04:07 UTC 2007

Greg Booth wrote:
> Two words. Virtual Box. Free for personal and EDUCATIONAL use...
> No resizing reformatting anything, unless you absolutely must have it
> on the local hard drive. However when you do this kind of thing you're
> still doing the ENTIRE install because you attach the hardware CDROM
> to the disc OR you can attach the virtual CDROM to the disc IMAGE and
> boot that way and run the entire install procedure just like you had
> it at the command line, PLUS you can surf while it loads !!

     OK; is this a VMWare thing? I haven't really used that in a long, 
long time.  It was still called "Workstation" back then; I think it was 

  Brian Fahrländer                 Christian, Conservative, and Technomad
  Evansville, IN                    
  ICQ: 5119262                         AOL/Yahoo/GoogleTalk: WheelDweller

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