Delayed messaging in email client

Brian Fahrlander brian at
Tue Oct 16 19:02:19 UTC 2007

Derek Broughton wrote:

> True, but the modern technology I was thinking of - while not as effective
> as abstinence - is still much more effective than rhythm :-)

     Yeah, but there's something women really like about having not 
checked, and being surprised. Much like Christmas is all about the 
children, intimacy is really all about the lady.  But let's not take it 
any further on-list; don't want to tick anyone off...

> And I _can_ make my own bow (I'm less confident about arrows - the damn
> things need to be straight!)

   Yeah, and that's a great thing; (I can, too though I'm a miserable 
shot with a handmade or even professional bow!) The point is in being 
self-sufficient....and in the Welfare mentality, that's all gone. See 
also: hurricanes hitting both Houston and New Orleans. You can never 
count on a bureaucracy (government or otherwise) to care for your needs; 
it's just not designed for that.

   I miss the days, for example, when Colorado was filled with cowboys...
  Brian Fahrländer                 Christian, Conservative, and Technomad
  Evansville, IN                    
  ICQ: 5119262                         AOL/Yahoo/GoogleTalk: WheelDweller

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