Totem DVD player

Felipe Figueiredo philsf79 at
Tue Oct 16 17:02:32 UTC 2007

On Friday 12 October 2007 14:30:09 Mario Vukelic wrote:
> Though if I had a wish, I'd wish that nobody used Hotmail accounts.
> Hotmail seems to do weird things to the emails that are sent from it,
> and replying and quoting is a royal pain -- all the line breaks and line
> spacings are messed up. Of course that's just my naive wish, you are
> free to use whatever you want (though others might not reply as
> readily ...)

Maybe that's Microsoft's way of enforcing HTML messages.

> Does anyone have a cure for this, I'm using Evolution?

if the message is mixed content, read the HTML version.


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